Christmas | Christmas Decoration | Symbols and Their Meanings


What is Christmas

Christmas Definition:

Christmas, Christian festival celebrating the birth of Jesus. The English term Christmas (“mass on Christ’s day”) is of fairly recent origin.
Since the early 20th century, Christmas has also been a secular family holiday, observed by Christians and non-Christians alike, devoid of Christian elements, and marked by an increasingly elaborate exchange of gifts. In this secular Christmas celebration, a mythical figure named Santa Claus plays the pivotal role.

Traditional Christmas Symbols and Their Meanings

While you think of Christmas, what comes to mind?
 Is it a reminiscence of a cherished one?

A favourite holiday tradition,

Looking for thoughtful gifts, or is it a specific image?

 Anything it is, have you ever stopped to think greater in-depth approximately what those symbols mean and why they may be so important to our every year traditions?

Check out of our favourite symbols and the meanings behind them that cause them to so special.

Christmas Trees

A tree represents the birth of Jesus. Its triangular shape symbolises the Holy Trinity, and its tippy pinnacle is pointing to heaven, symbolising one’s courting with God. Whether or not it’s real, faux, bedazzled with clean garland, or your favourite ornaments, it feels like the Christmas tree is one of the maximum popular symbols to symbolise Christmas.

Christmas Stockings

Most youngsters anxiously await to peer what changed into left in the back of their colourful stockings. Will or not it's sweet, small gifts, or any other kind of treasure?

Stockings as they hung by way of the hearth to dry.


Poinsettias and Holly Berries

After a chillier winter season, these stunning floral represent signs and symptoms of new existence and have grow to be a Christmas staple. Many humans also pair their holiday poinsettias with crimson holly or other decorative winter berries. The aggregate creates a pop of shade for this festive time of year.


Stars are symbolic of the Christmas lifestyle because a new star seemed inside the sky the night Jesus Christ became born.

In truth, it's far believed that Samuel the Laminate prophesied a celeb would seem as a sign of the new Savior's delivery, 5 years earlier than it came about.

It is not uncommon to peer a celeb shining brightly on the top of a Christmas tree or as an image displayed in manger surroundings at church buildings and different places across the globe.


Bells were used to announce the birth of Christ. The candy sound of bells reminds folks no longer best of his start, but they're also an outstanding symbol of the vacation season. Bells are jingled in our favourite excursion tunes, rung to accumulate coins for the ones in need, and hung as stunning decor.


Angles are notion to be the messengers of God who seem as human-like figures with wings and a halo. Recognised to deliver comfort and resource in instances of want, angels are frequently displayed on Christmas cards, artwork, or even on the top of the Christmas tree.


Like timber, wreaths are used as traditional decor all through the holiday season. Commonly crafted from the branches and greenery of evergreens, wreaths are proudly displayed on front doorways as a welcoming image.


Although Christmas isn't always all about presents, they're loved through many on Christmas morning. Children and adults are overjoyed to discover beautifully wrapped gifts beneath their timber and are equally excited to curate the right present for his or her loved ones. Presents symbolise love, remembrance, and the present of everlasting lifestyles, making them one of the maximum popular Christmas symbols.

The holiday season can be traumatic, however not anything brightens spirits, houses, and offices greater than the gift of flora.


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